Books and Book chapters

2022 Vear, C., (ed) (2022) “The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-Based Research” -

2022 Vear, C., & Poltronieri, F., (eds)(2022) The Language of Creative AI -

2022 Vear, C., (2022) “Embodied Musicking Robots” in Vear, C., & Poltronieri, F., (eds) (2022) The Language of Creative AI

2022 Vear, C., & Poltronieri, F.,(2022) “Introduction” in Vear, C., & Poltronieri, F., (eds) (2022) The Language of Creative AI

Peer-reviewed published papers and articles

2024 Moroz, S., Vear, C., & Poltronieri, F. (2024). Evaluation of digital musicianship in higher education through playing and creating digital scores. TENOR, 18.

2024 Vear, C., Hazzard, A., Moroz, S., & Benerradi, J. (2024, May). Jess+: AI and robotics with inclusive music-making. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-17).

2024 Vear, C., & Moroz, S., (2022-24) “Diving Deep with Nautilus: an analysis of musicking with a game engine as a digital score”, Journal of Creative Music Systems 8(1). doi:

2023 Vear, C., Benford, S., Avila, J. M., & Moroz, S. (2023). Human-AI Musicking: A Framework for Designing AI for Music Co-creativity. AIMC 2023. Retrieved from

2023 Amerotti, M., Benford, S., Sturm, B., Vear, C., (2023) “A Live Performance Rule System arising from Irish Traditional Dance Music”. Proceedings from CMMR2023, the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research

2023 Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Vear, C., Webb, H., Chamberlain, A., Greenhalgh, C., Ramchurn, R., Marshall, J., (2023) “Five Provocations for a More Creative Trustworthy Autonomous System”. TAS ‘23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous SystemsJuly 2023, Article No.: 14, pp 1–10

2023 Vear, C., Moroz, S., (2023) “The Digital Score: a review of research spanning 2022-23”. Proceedings from TENOR Conference 2023,

2023 Vear, C., Rees, C., & Stephenson, A. (2023). “NAUTILUS: A CASE STUDY IN HOW A DIGITAL SCORE CAN TRANSFORM CREATIVITY”. Tempo, 77(303), 33-42. doi:10.1017/S0040298222000791

2021 Vear, C., “Creative AI and Musicking Robots” in Frontiers in Robotics and AI


2024 Solaris by Craig Vear and Fabrizio Poltronieri, full set performance at Haslet Rooms, London - March 2024

2024 Jess+ first public performance at Institute of Engineering, Savoy House. Part of the TAS showcase - March 2024

2023 Jess+ premiere performance at BBC Media Cafe, London. Part of the BRAID conference - September 2023

2023 Returns & Simulacra by Solomiya Moroz. Premiered at NIME conference 2023, Mexico City, Mexico

2023 GuitaRPG by Xavier Davenport. Premiere of Neoscore competition award winner. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Shadow Aria by Jaslyn Robertson. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 502 Days of Self by Iran Sanadzadeh. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Their Lives are Stripped of Meaning by Cat Hope. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Kaleidescope by Lauren McCall. Premiere of Neoscore competition award runner-up. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Tendons For Transformation by Kitty Xiao. Commissioned by DigiScore and TENOR 2023. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Paths/Fields by Ingrid Laubrock. Commissioned by DigiScore and TENOR 2023. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 DigiScore Concert – presenting works of DigiScore partners and CIRMMT composers, Montreal, Canada March 9, 2023

2022 New Music from Digital Scores from Monash University Ensemble – Hamburg, Germany, Dec 11, 2022

2022 Nautilus, Royal Academy of Music, London, Nov 2022

2022 Pathways in-lab performance by Dejana Sekulic, July 2022

2022 New commisssions, TENOR conference performance, May 2022

2022 Nautilus in-lab performance by Franziska Baumann, DMU, May 2022

2022 Nautilus in-lab performance by Carla Rees, DMU, March 2022

Residencies & Fellowships

2023-24 Ben Hopkinson - Open Orchestra. Using DigiScore Creativity cards to create large scale digital score for inclusive ensemble across 3 SEND schools in Teesside

2023 Browser Festival – DigiScore is supporting one individual artist in creation of a browser based digital score, July 2023

2022 Dejana Sekulic’s fellowship in DigiScore Lab – making of an interactive digital score based on migration patterns of birds, July, 2022

Presentations & Workshops

2024 DigiScore Presentation in WRO (Wroclaw Art Centre), Wroclaw, Poland, June 27, 2024

2024 DigiScore seminar at Edna Manley School of Music, Jamaica, March 15, 2024

2024 DigiScore seminar at Georgia Tech, February 15, 2024

2023 DigiScore seminar at RITMO, University of Oslo, October 15, 2023

2023 Creativity Cards Workshop (DigiScore Team) at Cimarosa Conservatory in Avellino, Italy, October 11-14, 2023

2023 Digital Musicianship: Evaluation of the Digital Score Research from the North American Tour

2023 (Solomiya Moroz), GAPS2 - Global Arts and Psychology Seminar “Creativity in music and the arts”, Book of Abstracts, Kempf, A., Parncutt, R., Martínez, I. C., Pérez, J. B., Glasser, S., Osborne, M., Daffern, H., Waddington-Jones, C., O’Neill, K., Schiavio, A. (org.), 2024.

2023 Jess+ Demo at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS ‘23), Harriot Watts University, Edinburgh - July 2023

2023 Digital Musical Instruments as Digital Score (Solomiya Moroz), Music Ex Machina Symposium, Royal Holloway, London, June 2023

2023 Jess+ Explaining co-creative AI and robotics for mixed-ability ensemble. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2023 Neoscore. TENOR conference 2023, Boston, USA

2022 DigiScore Lecture Presentation (Solomiya Moroz) at HKMT (Hamburg University School of Music and Theatre) – Dec 13, 2022

2022 Systematic Musicology Conference in Ghent (Solomiya Moroz) Poster presentation on the Methodology of the Digital Score project – September 7-9, Ghent, Belgium

2022 DigiScore Online Lecture Presentation (Solomiya Moroz) at Université d’Aix en Provence, October 21, 2022

2022 Digiscore workshop, (Craig Vear) Music Department Belkent University, Turkey - November 2022

2022 Digiscore lecture with Dr Carla Rees (Craig Vear) Royal Academy of Music, London, UK - September 2022

2022 DigiScore Keynote (Craig Vear) at TENOR 2022 conference in Marseille, France – May 9-11, 2022

2022 Digiscore lecture (Craig Vear) Institute of Musicology, Graz University - March 2022

2022 Digiscore lecture (Craig Vear) Institute of Systematic Musicology, Ghent University - March 2022

2022 Digiscore lecture (Craig Vear) University of Porto & University of Algarve, Portugal - February 2022


Universal Edition -

Orchestras Live -

Sinfonia Viva -

Orpheus Institute -

Interviews and Podcasts

2023 In-Music Podcast - Evelyn Glennie

2013 In-Music Podcast - Sandeep Bhagwati

2023 In-Music Podcast - Elisabeth Wiklander

2023 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 6 - Laura Bishop, Jan 2023

2023 Interview with Konstantina Orlandatou, January 2023

2022 Interview with Ine Vanoeveren, Nov 2022

2022 Interview with Terri Hron, October 2022

2022 In-Music Podcast - Marco Ciciliani, July 2022

2022 Interview with Dejana Sekulic, July 2022

2022 In-Music Podcast - Julian Arguelles, June 2022

2022 In-Music Podcast - Franziska Baumann, May 2022

2022 In-Music Podcast - Craig Hultgren, May 2022

2022 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 5 - Ulla Kallenbach, April 2022

2022 In-Music Podcast - Carla Rees, April 2022

2022 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 4 - Jesper Juul, March 2022

2022 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 3 - Marc Leman, March 2022

2022 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 2 - Andrea Schiavio, Feb 2022

2022 Interview with PA Tremblay, Feb 2022

2022 Trans-Disciplinary Insight 1 - Simon Emmerson, Jan 2022

Open source code

Project GitHub repository

2023 “Jess+ (2023)” Musicking robot interacting in real-time with a musician ensemble through drawing digital score.

2023 “GuitaRPG (2023)” An interactive 2-dimensional score through which the performer may freely navigate.

2023 “RNN_Groover (2023)” A collection of scripts to generate performances and variations of Irish traditional folk tunes. Collaboration with Marco Amerotti, Steve Benford, Bob Sturm ; Examples

2022 “Nautilus (2022)” Digital Score; Intermedia composition for bass flute, neural network and Unity game environment (2022)

2022 “neoscore” Python Library -

Data set

2024 “Point Line Piano” by Jarek Kapuscinski

2024 “Sound Drawing in Space”

2024 “Netronomia by Ethan Cayko”

2024 “Queer Temporal by Solomiya Moroz”

2024 “Returns & Simulacra by Solomiya Moroz”

2024 “Jess+: Intelligent Digiscore for inclusive music-making”

2023 “Dynamic Landscapes - DigiScore Internship”

2023 “Speechless Opera by Cat Hope”

2023 “Fold by Ted Moore”

2023 “2 TENOR 2023 Commissions by DigiScore partner Sandeep Bhagwati”

2023 “DigiScore TENOR Neoscore commission, Xavier Davenport”

2023 “DigiScore TENOR Neoscore commission Lauren McCall”

2023 “Australian Composers’ Residency in HfMT, Hamburg, Germany”

2022 “Digital Syzygies”

2022 “Dejana Fellowship”

2022 “Nautilus”

2022 “TENOR 2022 premieres”